Life is An Adventure
Life is an adventure.
What’s your first reaction to this question: What is life about?
The other day I was shaking my body, kinda bouncing and my husband asked me what I was doing. I said I was working out some tension in my hips and ass.
He said, “Why do you have tension?”
“Seriously??? “ I answered. “Life.”
“What do you mean? Life is an adventure.”
His statement made me pause. IS life an adventure?
Hmmm, I don’t know.
I do know that I would not have used that phrasing most of my life.
My life was not bad but there has always been an undercurrent of that “not enoughness” flavor.
So to make up for that “not enoughness,” to fill in what I felt was lacking I’d make sure I did my part at home, tried to be a “good student” in school and choose teaching because that was about all I could think to do.
I’d daydream, but not in a way that I thought I could actually have what I dreamt about.
I read books and lost myself in them and their worlds. So much easier to read about a different place, time and even universe than to decide and act upon real change for myself in this world. That didn’t seem possible.
I mean in the ‘70’s and ‘80’s self improvement, therapy and coaching were not really known or discussed in the circles I inhabited.
I’m not sure seeing life as an adventure came until my 40’s. It began when I chose and was able to attend massage school. That was one of the pieces of my transformation; making that choice and following through with it.
Then I was introduced to aerial silks. That hobby let me FEEL empowered as never before. Aerial silks is a physical activity that takes courage to attempt. I’m scared a lot of the time I’m on the silks and when I nail a move, or more importantly to my nervous system analysis, I don’t die, I get that endorphin rush which spurs my confidence.
And then I was introduced to BodyMind Coaching with Laura Wieck. Through the coaching I received there, I learned to take ownership of my life experience, to dream and take action for my dreams, and be present to myself, to tend to myself so I always have what I need. It is here inside me.
Those experiences have increased my confidence in other areas of my life, so now hearing that life is an adventure seems, I don’t know, more possible, even probable.
My initial reaction is still resistance, but now I can see/feel past my resistance into the possibility that life Is an adventure after all. With fun along the way.
What about you? Do you think that life is an adventure?