My Human Design: Two Open Centers
My Human Design cont.
Today, let’s explore two of my open or undefined centers in my Human Design.
Open or undefined centers are spots on my chart that are white, or not colored in. These places in my chart are where I act as a receiver of energy. The world is energy and these open areas are where I can act like a screen or sponge, soaking up all the juju. They are areas that while I may be less sure of the information that comes from there, I am here to become wise about these areas through experience. Being open or defined is not a matter of better than, or good and bad. It is just the way you interact with the energy of these areas. There are advantages to both.
To begin, I have that open triangle at the top. This is the head center. This space receives questions and my head wants to have answers. This means I get a lot of ideas. They just kinda flood in. I experience it like several conversations going on in my head at any given time. Even as I type this there is a conversation about what I’m writing and how it might be perceived.
When I work with clients, this is where the ideas I share come from. I receive it as, “Huh, this might be an idea they could use.” And I wait for an opening to share it. Sometimes it lands, sometimes it doesn’t, but when it does it is uncanny. It gives my clients something to pause with and ponder and they come up with more from it. This is what makes my open head center a gift.
Next up on my HD chart, as we follow it down past the green triangle, brown square, yellow diamond (That kind of sounds like the commercial for Lucky Charms cereal! HA.) we vere to the right of the chart to a small open triangle above the other larger open triangle. The little one is the heart center, also known as the will power center. As you can see, mine is not colored in so it can be said that I have an open heart.
It is easier for me to explain what I AM like in this area by looking at my experiences with individuals who are defined in this area. It is kinda like, “Well, I’m not like this so …”
When I hang out with people who have this area defined, there is a quality of “Just make it happen” to them. It comes out in words like, “push through it,” “get it done,” or “hustle.” While there is truth and power in these phrases and beliefs they do not resound with me. And that is ok!
Individuals with a defined heart, in my experience, are strong. They are clear cut. They say what they mean and mean what they say. They have an inner acceptance of their worth, and they won’t settle for less than what they are worth. They seem to be good at boundaries, and when they have decided to accomplish something, they get it done. This is where the will power part comes in. They have decided something is going to happen and they find a way, come hell or high water, to make it happen. They will push through, hustle, work hard, and do all they can to make what they want a reality. It is amazing and commendable. And it’s not me.
So from my examination and experience, I’ve learned that I make things happen in different ways. I’m not the person at the gym trying to push through the last two push-ups with justo. I’m the one wishing we were done. Since learning Human Design, I see how I’ve become wise with this area. I can sense when someone is defined here and I encourage their push to make things happen. I recognize when I have that “ANYTHING is possible and I can make it happen!” feeling. When I do, it usually means I’m hanging out with defined heart centered individuals and I’m soaking up all their confident energy. Personally, I’ve learned to trust what is worth pushing through for me.
So what’s the take away here? Well, you’ve learned a little more about me. You’ve learned a little bit more about open centers. And hopefully I’ve shown that there is no “good” or “bad” about having open or defined centers. Being aware of the differences help me be a better human and a better coach because it reminds me that I’m uniquely designed, and so are you.
If you’re curious about your own chart you can schedule a chart reading with me. You’ll learn about your type and how you are meant to operate. And we can explore all the yummy details your chart communicates. Just click the “Work With Me” button at the top of the page. I look forward to sharing your uniqueness with you.
Until next time,