5 Authentic Ways to Raise Your Vibration This Summer
Part 4 Grounded Through the Summer
There are lots of opportunities for backyard or park barbeques. Community pools are open for our use and there are sports teams we can join or follow. Neighborhood bike rides and ice cream trucks pull us out of our homes and onto the streets.
Why am I advocating for these distracting amusements? Last time, I asked you to go for those deeper questions and get serious with yourself. But, we can’t stay in that place of seriousness long term. It’s a good place to visit but our spirit needs lighthearted actions too.
Some things we can’t see with our eyes but we experience them with our amazing human bodies. Have you heard how everything vibrates at a different frequency ? That’s right, our energies and emotions all have separate wavelengths. That’s why you can “feel” when someone is in a bad mood or better yet, when they are extremely happy! We are all emitting these energies as we go about our day.
So what does this mean for this blog and the idea of adding play to your summer? Well the more we intentionally choose to do things that are light, fun and life affirming, we are raising our vibration. As our vibration rises we positively affect the emotional vibration of those in our area. And it has a ripple effect on the world at large. That’s right, by elevating your own mood it truly has an effect everywhere! And sometimes it’s easier to do things for others than ourselves, am I right?
One way I’ve reconnected with play this summer is by blowing bubbles. Yep, the simple act of standing on my deck and blowing bubbles almost daily has really upped my own happiness and delight. I smile in wonder as the wind blows the bubbles around. Sometimes they charge right back in my face, other times they are whisked away into the trees or carried up toward the rooftop. Sometimes they pop on my plants or on the pets that join me.
This daily interaction of joy raises my emotional vibration. Each time I interact with this activity, the stronger my vibration to the emotion of joy becomes. That makes it easier for me to experience joy in other areas. My body understands the emotion and I want to stay in that vibration.
This summer there have also been moments of stress where fear and even shame pop up. If I keep thinking about these stressful things and keep going over and over the situation in my mind, I’m staying stuck in these slower moving vibrations. We”ve all been there. And we know it can be difficult to get ourselves out of the slump of stress. Our stress negatively affects others around us and pulls them down vibrationally.
Taking time to play, create and observe beauty are all ways we can raise our vibration. As our emotional vibrations move faster and faster it is more difficult for us to get stuck in the lower frequencies. We’re “moving too fast” for us to stick in the slower moving emotions.
Remember all the cartoons we watched as kids where a character would be running and slip on a banana peel or marbles? The character would stumble and even fall, but if there wasn’t anything else stopping them,( like one of Fred’s traps from Scooby Doo), they’d get back up and get going again? That’s what I picture, no matter what’s in my way, the path to joy is there if I just keep going.
So, get out there and play. Find some friends, grab happy family members and go do something you enjoy. Play with your pet. Dig out the sidewalk chalk you have stored away and create some beauty and fun with your neighbors. (Like some of us did in 2020!) As I typed that I’m considering all the ways we learned to cope with the conditions of the pandemic. And how that kind of creativity can be applied today!
Here are some other ideas: Red light - Green light games, tennis, pickleball, swimming, bike riding, frisbee, softball, baseball, backyard gymnastics, badminton, corn hole,( or “bags” as some of you call it), simple games of catch, SPUDD, HORSE, volleyball, card or board games, book reading picnics, or just going for a walk with friends, creative endeavors that are fun for you. Heck, even watching the Olympics and cheering others on is an option!