The Body Within the Body. Aka: we’re bigger on the inside
I’m in the midst of recovering from the flu and I’ve noticed something I haven’t before. You see, when I have a fever, the pain of it makes me want to stay curled up in the fetal position. Well this time I’ve experienced something beyond that.
I’m referring to the body within the body. As I was curled up in the fetal position feeling that weird feeling I get in my legs when I have a fever ( that stubbly, pins and needles achy kind of feeling) and I decided to reach for a better feeling. I took purposeful breaths to expand my torso and beyond. As I did that, I accessed another part of me that is connected to wellbeing at all times.
I could feel it.
What I am trying to convey is that this connected being part of me was under, yet larger than the pain body I was locked into.We are like the Tardis from Dr. Who-bigger on the inside. So this connected part while under the pain body is Larger than the pain body. Weird, right?
So I went there. That part of me was unconcerned with the fever and the aches. It was calm, It had full belief in my wellness. It was like, “Huh? You feel sick? Well, you are connected here to the vastness of the loving Universe, so all is good. You are healthy here. All is well.” Being in this space felt good. From here I unfurled my legs and stretched out. The tightness I felt in my hands was able to release because I stretched and wiggled my fingers. I felt a relief of the tightness, the pins and needles subsided and I could breathe more fully.Then I would turn over and fall back asleep to wake up a little while later to repeat the process. It’s been an interesting dance.
Again, in the past I would have stayed curled up. I would have stayed in this state of sadness and self-pity. This time I was able to access something unique and it has helped me as I recover. When I feel tight, I move, stretch, wiggle, bounce or whatever to create a feeling of increase inside my body. Now, I have been doing this movement piece for years, but this has been the first time I’ve accessed this under/larger part in this way. I’m sure I’ve accessed it on the occasions I meditate and don’t fall asleep. This is the first time I’ve been sick with a fever in quite a while too, and because of the practicing I do with moving the inner body I was able to tap into it like never before. And I am changed because of this experience.
I am still recovering and doing all the things; resting, drinking tea and water, engaging in hot water treatments( baths and showers) , diffusing and anointing myself with essential oils. And when I catch myself holding a hunched over, tight body position, I am breathing, slipping under that pain body back to that stream of wellness inside of me which helps me breathe deeply, stretch and move and claim my wellness again.
So, have you had a similar experience? How do you access your body within your body?I’m curious to know. Drop me a line here or send me an email. I’d love to hear about your experience with the body within the body.